perm filename T329.8[AM,DBL] blob sn#574949 filedate 1981-03-29 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
<CSD.LENAT>TRACE.MAR29.8 is now open.
"29-Mar-81 18:50:27"

Task 1: Focusing on OddNum

Since OddNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 2:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is AlmostCertain (849) that 
finding Examples of OddNum will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study OddNum
 we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated OddNum; found 200 Examples

Task 3: Focusing on PerfSquare

Since PerfSquare has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 4:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is AlmostCertain (825) that 
finding Examples of PerfSquare will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
PerfSquare we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 5:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is AlmostCertain (834) that 
finding Applics of Square will be worthwhile, since: ((Recent task was stymied 
for lack of such applics; namely, trying to find Examples of PerfSquare)))

Instantiated Square; found 200 Applics

Task 6:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (512) that finding 
Examples of PerfSquare will be worthwhile, since: ((Had to suspend whilst 
gathering Applics of Square) (To properly study PerfSquare we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept) (Had to suspend whilst gathering
 Applics of (Square))))

Instantiated PerfSquare; there are now  200 Examples

Instantiated PerfSquare; there are now  200 Examples

Task 7: Focusing on PrimeNum

Since PrimeNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 8:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is AlmostCertain (825) that 
finding Examples of PrimeNum will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
PrimeNum we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated PrimeNum; found 78 Examples

Task 9: Focusing on win1

Task 10: Focusing on Heuristic

Task 11: Focusing on HindSightRule

Task 12: Focusing on ProtoConjec

Task 13: Focusing on EvenNum

Since EvenNum has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 14:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (750) that finding 
Examples of EvenNum will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study EvenNum we 
must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated EvenNum; found 200 Examples

Task 15: Focusing on PerfNum

Task 16: Focusing on H1

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Task 17:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (714) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (
ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture ThenAddToAgenda)

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfTrulyRelevant ThenConjecture ThenAddToAgenda Applics)

Task 18:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (782) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenAddToAgenda  slot of  H1 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenAddToAgenda  slot of  H1 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, Specializations -> SubSlots

collecting lists
6857, 10441 free cells

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE 
SubSlots) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (QUOTE H1))))) Agenda)) (
AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit must be specialized)))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 19:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (782) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenConjecture  slot of  H1 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenConjecture  slot of  H1 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the ThenConjecture slot, H1 -> H1-1

Specialized the ThenConjecture slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (f
) (SETQ Conjectures (CONS (PROGN (SETQ conjec (NewNam (QUOTE Conjec))) (
CreateUnit conjec (QUOTE ProtoConjec)) (PUT conjec (QUOTE English) (NCONC (LIST 
(QUOTE Specializations) (QUOTE of) f) (APPEND (QUOTE (may be more useful than it
 is, since it has some good instances but many more poor ones))) (LIST (LIST (
Percentify (DIFFERENCE 1.0 Fraction)) (QUOTE are) (QUOTE losers))))) (PUT conjec
 (QUOTE Abbrev) (CONS f (QUOTE (sometimes wins, usually loses, so 
specializations of it may win big)))) (PUT conjec (QUOTE Worth) (FIX (Average (
NearnessTo Fraction .1) (AverageWorths (QUOTE H1-1) f)))) conjec) Conjectures)))

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 20:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (708) that finding 
Applics of H1-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 21:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (708) that finding 
Applics of H1-2 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 22:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (682) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfPotentiallyRelevant  slot of  
H1 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics

Specialized the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (
LAMBDA (f) (* check that f has some recorded applications -- which implies, of 
course, that f is an executable/performable entity) (IndirectApplics f)).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 23:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (708) that finding 
Applics of H1-3 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 24:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (682) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenPrintToUser  slot of  H1 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 5

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (CPRIN1 5 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (Abbrev f)) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 25:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (708) that finding 
Applics of H1-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 26:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (682) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfTrulyRelevant  slot of  H1 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the IfTrulyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics

Specialized the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
f) (* check that some IndirectApplics of f have high Worth, but most have low 
Worth) (* the extent to which those conditions are met will determine the amount
 of energy to expend working on applying this rule -- its overall relevancy) (
AND (SOME (IndirectApplics f) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the format (
args results)) (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (SETQ 
Fraction (FractionOf (MapUnion (Applics f) (QUOTE CADR)) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 27:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (708) that finding 
Applics of H1-5 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 28:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (612) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Applics  slot of  H1 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H1

Task 29:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (391) that finding 
Specializations of ProtoConjec will be worthwhile, since: ((H1 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for ProtoConjec

 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: NIL

 will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: NIL

Task 30:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (391) that finding 
Specializations of English will be worthwhile, since: ((H1 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for English)))

 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: NIL

English will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (

Task 31:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (521) that finding 
Specializations of English will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  DataType  slot of  English 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of English

Task 32:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (391) that finding 
Specializations of Abbrev will be worthwhile, since: ((H1 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for Abbrev)))

 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (

collecting lists
8685, 10221 free cells

Abbrev will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
DataType IsA)

Task 33:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (621) that finding 
Specializations of Abbrev will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  DataType  slot of  Abbrev 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  DataType  slot of  Abbrev 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of Abbrev

Task 34:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (446) that finding 
Specializations of Abbrev will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IsA  slot of  Abbrev 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the IsA slot, ReprConcept -> CriterialSlot
(Abbrev-1 (u) NIL)

Specialized the IsA slot of Abbrev, replacing its old value by (Slot 
NonCriterialSlot CriterialSlot).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: Abbrev-1) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 35:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (504) that finding 
Examples of Abbrev-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 36:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (391) that finding 
Specializations of Worth will be worthwhile, since: ((H1 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for Worth)))

Worth will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: 

Worth will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
DataType Worth)

Task 37:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (521) that finding 
Specializations of Worth will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  DataType  slot of  Worth 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of Worth

Task 38:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (447) that finding 
Specializations of Worth will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Worth  slot of  Worth 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the Worth slot, 305 -> 71
(Worth-1 (u) NIL)

Specialized the Worth slot of Worth, replacing its old value by 71.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: Worth-1) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 39:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (386) that finding 
Examples of Worth-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 40:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (341) that finding 
Specializations of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((H1 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for AND)))

AND will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (
Domain ElimSlots)

AND will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
ElimSlots Generalizations Arity)

Task 41:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (596) that finding 
Specializations of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ElimSlots  slot of  AND 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ElimSlots  slot of  AND 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the ElimSlots slot, Applics -> DirectApplics

Specialized the ElimSlots slot of AND, replacing its old value by (DirectApplics

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 42:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (632) that finding 
Applics of AND-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 43:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (496) that finding 
Specializations of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Domain  slot of  AND 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the Domain slot, Anything -> HindSightRule

Specialized the Domain slot of AND, replacing its old value by (Anything 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 44:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (632) that finding 
Applics of AND-2 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 45:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (422) that finding 
Specializations of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Generalizations  slot of  AND 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the Generalizations slot, OR -> AND-2

Specialized the Generalizations slot of AND, replacing its old value by (AND-1 
TheFirstOf AND-2 AND).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: AND-3) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 46:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (632) that finding 
Applics of AND-3 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 47:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (421) that finding 
Specializations of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Arity  slot of  AND 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Arity
 slot of AND

Task 48: Focusing on Conjec-1

Task 49: Focusing on H1-5

Since H1-5 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 50:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (707) that finding 
Applics of H1-5 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H1-5 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 51: Focusing on H1-4

Since H1-4 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 52:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (707) that finding 
Applics of H1-4 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H1-4 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 53: Focusing on H1-3

Since H1-3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 54:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (707) that finding 
Applics of H1-3 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H1-3 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 55: Focusing on H1-2

Since H1-2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 56:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (707) that finding 
Applics of H1-2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H1-2 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 57: Focusing on H1-1

Since H1-1 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 58:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (707) that finding 
Applics of H1-1 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H1-1 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 59: Focusing on H18

Task 60: Focusing on H4

Since some applications of H4 (i.e.,  Plan to gather empirical data about new 
 are very valuable, so EURISKO wants to find new concepts which are slightly more generalized than 
H4, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such concepts. 

Task 61:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (651) that finding 
Generalizations of H4 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-2))

H4 will be generalized by generalizing the following of its slots: (Applics 

Task 62:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (556) that finding 
Generalizations of H4 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  Applics  slot of  H4 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful generalization of the Applics
 slot of H4

Task 63:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (552) that finding 
Generalizations of H4 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  Abbrev  slot of  H4 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Duplicated: to empirical

Generalized the Abbrev slot of H4, replacing its old value by (Plan new Plan 
concepts concepts about gather to gather data empirical data new about).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: H4-1) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 64:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (702) that finding 
Applics of H4-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 65: Focusing on H10

Since H10 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 66:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H10 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H10 we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 67: Focusing on H11

Since H11 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 68:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H11 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H11 we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 69: Focusing on H12

Task 70: Focusing on H13

Task 71: Focusing on H14

Task 72: Focusing on H15

Since H15 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 73:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H15 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H15 we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 74: Focusing on H19Criterial

Since H19Criterial has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 75:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H19Criterial will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
H19Criterial we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 76: Focusing on H2

Since H2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 77:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H2 we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 78: Focusing on H5Criterial

Task 79: Focusing on H5Good

Task 80: Focusing on H6

Task 81: Focusing on H7

Since H7 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 82:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H7 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H7 we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 83: Focusing on H8

Since H8 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 84:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H8 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H8 we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 85: Focusing on H9

Since H9 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 86:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H9 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H9 we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 87: Focusing on HAvoid

Since HAvoid has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 88:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoid will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study HAvoid we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 89: Focusing on HAvoid2

Since HAvoid2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 90:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoid2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study HAvoid2 we 
must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 91: Focusing on HAvoid2AND

Since HAvoid2AND has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 92:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoid2AND will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study HAvoid2AND 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 93: Focusing on HAvoid3

Since HAvoid3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 94:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoid3 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study HAvoid3 we 
must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 95: Focusing on HAvoid3First

Since HAvoid3First has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 96:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoid3First will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
HAvoid3First we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 97: Focusing on HAvoidIfWorking

Since HAvoidIfWorking has no known Applics
, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 98:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of HAvoidIfWorking will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
HAvoidIfWorking we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 99: Focusing on Conjec-2

Task 100: Focusing on Alg

Task 101: Focusing on ApplicGenerator

Task 102: Focusing on CompiledDefn

Task 103: Focusing on DataType

collecting lists
9979, 10491 free cells

Task 104: Focusing on Defn

Task 105: Focusing on Domain

Task 106: Focusing on ElimSlots

Task 107: Focusing on FastAlg

Task 108: Focusing on FastDefn

Task 109: Focusing on Generator

Task 110: Focusing on H16

Task 111: Focusing on H17

Task 112: Focusing on IfAboutToWorkOnTask

Task 113: Focusing on IfFinishedWorkingOnTask

Task 114: Focusing on IfParts

Task 115: Focusing on IfPotentiallyRelevant

Task 116: Focusing on IfTaskParts

Task 117: Focusing on IfTrulyRelevant

Task 118: Focusing on IfWorkingOnTask

Task 119: Focusing on Inverse

Task 120: Focusing on IterativeAlg

Task 121: Focusing on IterativeDefn

Task 122: Focusing on NonExamples

Task 123: Focusing on RecursiveAlg

Task 124: Focusing on RecursiveDefn

Task 125: Focusing on ThenAddToAgenda

Task 126: Focusing on ThenCompute

Task 127: Focusing on ThenConjecture

Task 128: Focusing on ThenDefineNewConcepts

Task 129: Focusing on ThenDeleteOldConcepts

Task 130: Focusing on ThenModifySlots

Task 131: Focusing on ThenParts

Task 132: Focusing on ThenPrintToUser

Task 133: Focusing on ToDelete

Task 134: Focusing on ToDelete1

Task 135: Focusing on UnitizedAlg

Task 136: Focusing on UnitizedDefn

Task 137: Focusing on AND-2

Since AND-2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 138:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (631) that finding 
Applics of AND-2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study AND-2 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 139: Focusing on AND-1

Since AND-1 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 140:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (631) that finding 
Applics of AND-1 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study AND-1 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 141: Focusing on AND

Since AND has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 142:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (631) that finding 
Applics of AND will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study AND we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated AND; found 49 Applics

Task 143: Focusing on Anything

Task 144: Focusing on Slot

Task 145: Focusing on RandomSubset

Since RandomSubset has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 146:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (609) that finding 
Applics of RandomSubset will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
RandomSubset we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated RandomSubset; found 2 Applics

Task 147: Focusing on IGEQ

Since IGEQ has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 148:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (604) that finding 
Applics of IGEQ will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study IGEQ we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated IGEQ; found 50 Applics

Task 149: Focusing on EQ

Since EQ has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 150:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Applics of EQ will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study EQ we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated EQ; found 50 Applics

Task 151: Focusing on RandomChoose

Since RandomChoose has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 152:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Applics of RandomChoose will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
RandomChoose we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated RandomChoose; found 2 Applics

Task 153: Focusing on EQUAL

Since EQUAL has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 154:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (601) that finding 
Applics of EQUAL will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study EQUAL we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated EQUAL; found 50 Applics

Task 155: Focusing on IGREATERP

Since IGREATERP has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 156:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of IGREATERP will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study IGREATERP we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

collecting large numbers
2001, 3025 free cells

Instantiated IGREATERP; found 50 Applics

Task 157: Focusing on Add

Since Add has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 158:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of Add will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study Add we must gather
 empirical data about instances of that concept)))

collecting large numbers
3025, 3025 free cells

Instantiated Add; found 50 Applics

Task 159: Focusing on BestChoose

Since BestChoose has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 160:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of BestChoose will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study BestChoose 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated BestChoose; found 2 Applics

Task 161: Focusing on BestSubset

Since BestSubset has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 162:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of BestSubset will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study BestSubset 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated BestSubset; found 2 Applics

Task 163: Focusing on Bit

Task 164: Focusing on Conjecture

Task 165: Focusing on CriterialSlot

Task 166: Focusing on DivisorsOf

Since DivisorsOf has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 167:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of DivisorsOf will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study DivisorsOf 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated DivisorsOf; found 200 Applics

Task 168: Focusing on GoodChoose

Since GoodChoose has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 169:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of GoodChoose will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study GoodChoose 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated GoodChoose; found 2 Applics

Task 170: Focusing on GoodSubset

Since GoodSubset has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 171:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of GoodSubset will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study GoodSubset 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated GoodSubset; found 2 Applics

Task 172: Focusing on IEQP

Since IEQP has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 173:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of IEQP will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study IEQP we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

collecting lists
6381, 10477 free cells, 37 pages left

Instantiated IEQP; found 50 Applics

Task 174: Focusing on ILEQ

Since ILEQ has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 175:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of ILEQ will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study ILEQ we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated ILEQ; found 50 Applics

Task 176: Focusing on ILESSP

Since ILESSP has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 177:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of ILESSP will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study ILESSP we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

collecting large numbers
3025, 3025 free cells, 37 pages left

Instantiated ILESSP; found 50 Applics

Task 178: Focusing on MathConcept

Task 179: Focusing on MathObj

Task 180: Focusing on MathOp

Task 181: Focusing on MathPred

Task 182: Focusing on Multiply

Since Multiply has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 183:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of Multiply will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study Multiply we 
must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated Multiply; found 50 Applics

Task 184: Focusing on NNumber

Task 185: Focusing on NonCriterialSlot

Task 186: Focusing on NumOp

Task 187: Focusing on OR

Since OR has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 188:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of OR will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study OR we must gather 
empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated OR; found 50 Applics

Task 189: Focusing on Op

Task 190: Focusing on Pred

Task 191: Focusing on ReprConcept

Task 192: Focusing on Set

Task 193: Focusing on SetOfNumbers

Since SetOfNumbers has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 194:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Examples of SetOfNumbers will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
SetOfNumbers we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated SetOfNumbers; there are now  200 Examples

Instantiated SetOfNumbers; there are now  200 Examples

Task 195: Focusing on SetOp

Task 196: Focusing on Square

Task 197: Focusing on Successor

Since Successor has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 198:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of Successor will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study Successor we
 must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated Successor; found 200 Applics

Task 199: Focusing on Task

Since Task has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 200:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Examples of Task will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study Task we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 201: Focusing on TheFirstOf

Since TheFirstOf has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 202:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of TheFirstOf will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study TheFirstOf 
we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated TheFirstOf; found 50 Applics

Task 203: Focusing on TheSecondOf

Since TheSecondOf has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 204:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Applics of TheSecondOf will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study 
TheSecondOf we must gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Instantiated TheSecondOf; found 50 Applics

Task 205: Focusing on UnaryUnitOp

Task 206: Focusing on Unit

Since Unit has no known Examples, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 207:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (600) that finding 
Examples of Unit will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study Unit we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 208: Focusing on UnitOp

Task 209: Focusing on Specializations

Task 210: Focusing on Applics

Task 211: Focusing on Abbrev

Task 212: Focusing on Generalizations

Task 213: Focusing on Worth

Task 214: Focusing on English

Task 215: Focusing on Arity

Task 216: Focusing on Creditors

Task 217: Focusing on DirectApplics

Task 218: Focusing on DontCopy

Task 219: Focusing on DoubleCheck

Task 220: Focusing on Examples

Task 221: Focusing on Format

Task 222: Focusing on InDomainOf

Task 223: Focusing on IndirectApplics

Task 224: Focusing on IsA

Task 225: Focusing on IsRangeOf

Task 226: Focusing on Range

Task 227: Focusing on SibSlots

Task 228: Focusing on SubSlots

Task 229: Focusing on SubsumedBy

Task 230: Focusing on Subsumes

Task 231: Focusing on SuperSlots

Task 232: Focusing on Transpose

Task 233: Focusing on H19

Since some specializations of H19 (i.e.,  Kill any new unit which duplicates an 
already-existing one)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some applications of H19 (i.e.,  Kill any new unit which duplicates an 
already-existing one)
 are very valuable, so EURISKO wants to find new concepts which are slightly more generalized than 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such concepts. 
Since some specializations of H19 (i.e.,  Kill any new unit which duplicates an 
already-existing one)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H19 (i.e.,  Kill any new unit which duplicates an 
already-existing one)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Since some specializations of H19 (i.e.,  Kill any new unit which duplicates an 
already-existing one)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 

Task 234:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (632) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-3 Conjec-6 Conjec-7))

H19 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenDeleteOldConcepts)

H19 will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenDeleteOldConcepts 
IfFinishedWorkingOnTask Applics)

Task 235:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (741) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenDeleteOldConcepts  slot of  
H19 ; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenDeleteOldConcepts  slot of  
H19 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenDeleteOldConcepts slot of H19

Task 236:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (741) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenPrintToUser  slot of  H19 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenPrintToUser  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 14 -> 1

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H19, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA 
(C) (CPRIN1 1 CRLF Hmf!  (LENGTH DoomedU)  of the  (LENGTH NewUnits)  new units 
 (CONS (QUOTE namely:) DoomedU)  seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!
   They must be destroyed... CRLF) (SETQ NewUnits (SetDiff NewUnits DoomedU)) T)

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

collecting lists
7264, 10336 free cells, 31 pages left

Task 237:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (741) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfPotentiallyRelevant  slot of  
H19 ; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfPotentiallyRelevant  slot of  
H19 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H19

Task 238:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (641) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfFinishedWorkingOnTask 
 slot of  H19 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot, Slot -> NonCriterialSlot

Specialized the IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of H19, replacing its old value by 
(LAMBDA (task) (AND NewUnits (ASSOC (QUOTE NewUnits) TaskResults) (SETQ DoomedU 
 Examples))) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z) (* See if U and Z are equivalent units) (
 (LAMBDA (P) (EqualToWithinSubst U Z (APPLY* P U) (APPLY* P Z)))))))))))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Task 239:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (571) that finding 
Specializations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Applics  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Applics
 slot of H19

Task 240:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (432) that finding 
SubSlots of H19 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-5))

H19 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (

H19 will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenDeleteOldConcepts)

Task 241:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (641) that finding 
SubSlots of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfPotentiallyRelevant  slot of  
H19 ; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.) (
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IfPotentiallyRelevant  slot of  
H19 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H19

Task 242:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (541) that finding 
SubSlots of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  ThenDeleteOldConcepts  slot of  
H19 ; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenDeleteOldConcepts slot of H19

Task 243:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H19-2 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 244:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H19-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 245:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (375) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-4))

H19 will be generalized by generalizing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 
Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenDeleteOldConcepts SubsumedBy)

Task 246:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (488) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenDeleteOldConcepts  slot of  
H19 ; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful generalization of the 
ThenDeleteOldConcepts slot of H19

Task 247:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (488) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenPrintToUser  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 14 -> 982

Generalized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H19, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA 
(C) (CPRIN1 982 CRLF Hmf!  (LENGTH DoomedU)  of the  (LENGTH NewUnits) 
 new units  (CONS (QUOTE namely:) DoomedU) 
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!   They must be destroyed... 
CRLF) (SETQ NewUnits (SetDiff NewUnits DoomedU)) T).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

collecting lists
9866, 10378 free cells, 30 pages left

Task 248:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H19-3 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 249:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (414) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  Abbrev  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the Abbrev slot, Duplicated: duplicates an already-existing one

Generalized the Abbrev slot of H19, replacing its old value by (unit unit any 
duplicates any new which which Kill an one Kill already-existing new).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: H19-4) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 250:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H19-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 251:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (414) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  Worth  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the Worth slot, 150 -> 814

Generalized the Worth slot of H19, replacing its old value by 814.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: H19-4) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 252:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (758) that finding 
Applics of H19-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 253:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (413) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  SubsumedBy  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful generalization of the SubsumedBy
 slot of H19

Task 254:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (413) that finding 
Generalizations of H19 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  IsA  slot of  H19 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the IsA slot, Heuristic -> ReprConcept

Generalized the IsA slot of H19, replacing its old value by (ReprConcept Op).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: H19-4) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 255:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H19-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 256:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (320) that finding 
Specializations of IsA will be worthwhile, since: ((H19 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for IsA)))

IsA will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: (

IsA will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (

Task 257:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (485) that finding 
Specializations of IsA will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  DataType  slot of  IsA 
; that criterial slot was chosen randomly.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the DataType
 slot of IsA

Task 258:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (485) that finding 
Specializations of IsA will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Inverse  slot of  IsA 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the Inverse
 slot of IsA

Task 259:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (320) that finding 
Specializations of Examples will be worthwhile, since: ((H19 might have been 
specialized better, earlier, if some specializations had existed for Examples)))

 will be specialized by specializing the following of its criterial slots: NIL

Examples will be specialized by specializing the following of its good slots: (
Worth IsA)

Task 260:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (411) that finding 
Specializations of Examples will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  Worth  slot of  Examples 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the Worth slot, 300 -> 175
(Examples-1 (u) NIL)

Specialized the Worth slot of Examples, replacing its old value by 175.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: Examples-1) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 261:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (438) that finding 
Examples of Examples-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 262:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (410) that finding 
Specializations of Examples will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by specializing the  IsA  slot of  Examples 
; that slot was chosen because of its high worth.)))

Inside the IsA slot, ReprConcept -> CriterialSlot

Specialized the IsA slot of Examples, replacing its old value by (Slot 
NonCriterialSlot CriterialSlot).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: Examples-1) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 263:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (501) that finding 
Examples of Examples-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 264: Focusing on Conjec-7

Task 265: Focusing on Conjec-6

Task 266: Focusing on Conjec-5

Task 267: Focusing on Conjec-3

Task 268: Focusing on Conjec-4

Task 269: Focusing on H19-3

Since H19-3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 270:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H19-3 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H19-3 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 271: Focusing on H19-2

Since H19-2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 272:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H19-2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H19-2 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 273: Focusing on H19-1

Since H19-1 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 274:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H19-1 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H19-1 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 275: Focusing on H5

Since some applications of H5 (i.e.,  Choose some particular slots of u to 
 are very valuable, so EURISKO wants to find new concepts which are slightly more generalized than 
H5, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such concepts. 

Task 276:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (375) that finding 
Generalizations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-8))

H5 will be generalized by generalizing the following of its slots: (Worth 
ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

Task 277:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (488) that finding 
Generalizations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenCompute  slot of  H5 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, Slot -> ReprConcept

Generalized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (task
) (SETQ SlotsToChange (RandomSubset (SetIntersect (SlotNames CurUnit) (Examples 
(QUOTE ReprConcept))))) (SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

collecting lists
10007, 10007 free cells, 30 pages left

Task 278:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (488) that finding 
Generalizations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenAddToAgenda  slot of  H5 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-1

Generalized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (SETQ Agenda (MergeTasks (SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S)
 (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-1))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (LIST A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of 
 CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) NIL) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange
) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5-1) CreditTo))))))) (QUOTE OrderTasks
)) Agenda)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of))))).

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

collecting lists
9764, 10276 free cells, 29 pages left

Task 279:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (488) that finding 
Generalizations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenPrintToUser  slot of  H5 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 340

Generalized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value by (LAMBDA (
task) (CPRIN1 340 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

collecting lists
9968, 10480 free cells, 28 pages left

Task 280:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H5-2 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 281:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H5-3 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 282:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (426) that finding 
Applics of H5-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 283:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (414) that finding 
Generalizations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  Worth  slot of  H5 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the Worth slot, 151 -> 291

Generalized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value by 291.

1 new units 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

Hmf! 1 of the 1 new units (namely: H5-4) have criterial slots that
 seem indistinguishable from pre-existing units!  They must be destroyed...

Task 284:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (496) that finding 
Applics of H5-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))

Task 285: Focusing on Conjec-8

Task 286: Focusing on H5-3

Since H5-3 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 287:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H5-3 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H5-3 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 288: Focusing on H5-2

Since H5-2 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 289:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H5-2 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H5-2 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 290: Focusing on H5-1

Since H5-1 has no known Applics, it is probably worth looking for some.

Task 291:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (425) that finding 
Applics of H5-1 will be worthwhile, since: ((To properly study H5-1 we must 
gather empirical data about instances of that concept)))

Task 292: Focusing on H3

Since some applications of H3 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing one random 
 are very valuable, so EURISKO wants to find new concepts which are slightly more generalized than 
H3, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such concepts. 

Task 293:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Unlikely (350) that finding 
Generalizations of H3 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-9))

H3 will be generalized by generalizing the following of its slots: (Abbrev 
ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute Generalizations SubsumedBy)

Task 294:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (475) that finding 
Generalizations of H3 will be worthwhile, since: ((
A new unit will be created by generalizing the  ThenCompute  slot of  H3 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)))

Inside the ThenCompute slot, Slot -> ReprConcept
(H3-1-3 is not yet a unit; make it one?)

(RATOM broken)